Time to insight shorter by 75%
BI users can prototype data sets for analytics on real-time data and replicate the data to cloud data warehouses once the dashboards are finalized.
What does this mean ? in 5 days? – how is this good or better ?
The Lyftrondata data fabric solution works as a pass-through SQL proxy to multiple databases and data sources. Both the legacy DWs and cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Big Query, Redshift, Azure PDW and Instant Analytics are connected to Lyftrondata. BI tools are switched to use Lyftrondata as a data source. Lyftrondata accepts SQL queries, translates them and forwards them (pushes down) to the legacy Data Warehouse or Snowflake, Big query, Redshift, Azure PDW and Instant Analytics.
As a result, the data warehouse may be migrated step-by-step. This particular feature is important for migrations from Microsoft SQL Server because Lyftrondata is wire compatible with MSSQL and only the server name must be changed in BI tools from MSSQL to Lyftrondata.
Whole database migration (lyft-and-shift approach) is possible in 10 days, independent of the database size (number of tables)
All data pipelines in Lyftrondata are defined in SQL. This concept enables scripting of all data pipelines. This unique solution is a huge advantage over ETL tools because data pipelines may be automatically scripted instead of building them manually in a visual designer.
Data Warehouse architects are looking for a way to apply DevOps principles in the data warehouse design and automate as much as possible via scripting.
Large table scan queries on modern cloud data warehouses may be 1000x faster
When Lyftrondata is used as an SQL proxy that translates SQL queries on the fly. This feature is used when a cube is defined in Lyftrondata. Aggregated queries with GROUP BY and joins are rewritten on the fly to use smaller, preaggregated materialized views. Lyftrondata maintains materialized views for frequently queried combinations of joins and grouping conditions. An example: the main dashboard may always show a graph with the revenue per business unit and such query would have to perform a full table scan for a huge fact table whenever a user opens the main dashboards. With Lyftrondata, it is possible to define a preaggregated view with a GROUP BY bu_id that has only 20 rows. Those queries will execute instantly because they are redirected to a smaller materialized view.
Modern cloud database is usable from all BI tools
Lyftrondata works as an SQL proxy (a semantic data layer) between BI tools and cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Big query, Redshift, Azure PDW and Instant Analytics. Lyftrondata is wire compatible with Microsoft SQL Server and uses Transact-SQL dialect. MSSQL drivers are widely supported by all BI tools on the market. Business users could even connect directly from Microsoft Excel to data warehouses through Lyftrondata. No need to install any ODBC drivers because SQL Server drivers are already preinstalled on Windows.
Windows active directory authentication for Modern Cloud Data Warehouse possible from any BI tool
The Lyftrondata SQL proxy interface is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server and benefits from the heritage of the Windows ecosystem. Lyftrondata may be installed on a computer that is integrated with the customer’s Active Directory domain. Lyftrondata will accept connections from ODBC,JDBC and ADO.NET drivers using Active Directory SSO authentication and translate Windows credentials to effective roles to access cloud data warehouses. As a result, the customer does not need to manage user logins and passwords to enable access to a Cloud Data Warehouse for business users.